Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Could the food here get any better...I think not! 

Tonight Ali and I met up with some new friends for was the best idea ever!  We met up at the Duomo and went to this little place called Trattoria La Mamma.

It is a cute little place with amazing food and wine.  The six of us sat at a little table in the corner, crowded with another full table of Italian men.  They were pretty funny, they were singing songs and giving toasts all through dinner.  Classic Italians!  The place was packed, which was unusual to us because everytome we go out to eat there is hardly anyone else at the restaurant.  This place must have been a legit local favorite.  We ordered bruschetta and a bottle of the house wine, then for our main dish we all had pasta.  Everything we ordered was absolutely delicious!  After dinner we walked to this place where they make fresh crepes, Ali and I split a nutella and banana crepe!  Soo yummy!

Anyway, just wanted to share that little adventure!  This weekend I think we are going to Pisa and Volterra!  Can't wait!  Ciao!

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