Saturday, February 12, 2011


    I'm sure you all have heard that Italy has some of the best leather in the world...well I think that's true!  We have been to the leather market several times since we have been here but today I decided to take a few pictures to let you see what all the market has to offer.  First of all, imagine hundreds of little rolling tents with gobs of all sorts of leather products.  They have everything from jackets, gloves, wallets, purses, boots, just anything you think could come in leather..well it's there.  Occasionally there will be a tent with tourist gifts and clothing.

   Then there are the vendors, which are mostly men, some old some younger.  Sometimes it's fun to just walk through the market and hear them talk to you.  Some are nice and some are just plain annoying. Today was the worst, it was like they were all out just waiting for the Americans to walk by so they could say "Ciao Bella" haha!  One guy tried to get my attention by calling me Lady Gaga, I don't know if I like being referred to that. HAHA  Then another guy stopped me telling me that he had the perfect leafther jacket to match my boots..he then proceeded to grab my leg and hike it up to where it was parallel to the ground and tried to drag me in his store!  Don't worry though, it wasn't scary, I laughed, and Shandie was there to help me not fall over! 

   Anyway, just wanted to share that funny little story! 

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