Friday, February 18, 2011

Valentines Day!

Well it was a great Valentine’s Day...minus the boyfriend being thousands of miles away! However, I did get beautiful flowers which made my day!  I love them! 

     Other than that, it actually didn't even feel like Valentines, I guess it is just not as big over here.  Anyway, it was a good day.  Shandie and I are in a photography class together and we got our first assignment, we are to take ten pictures of some of our first impressions here in Florence.  For mine, I decided that I am going to do public transportation.  I have never really used it back home and now it is my chance to check it out.  It really is a great way to get around the city, that is if you want to go all over.  We walk pretty much everywhere here, however, taking the bus is quite fun!  Shandie and I decided to take a bus up to the mountains to a small town that has the biggest cemetery in the area.  It was so nice to get out of the city and see the less touristy parts of Florence.  On our way up, we were the only American's on the bus.  The others on the bus were definitely wondering why these two American girls where taking a bus up the mountain.  Ha!  Well, it was still so fun, the views from the ride were amazing, I will get some pics next time we go.  We could see the whole city of Florence, rows and rows of olive trees, and vineyards everywhere.  The country here is just like the movies say it is, it never fails!  So that was just a great part of the day, getting to see parts of the town most students don't get to see. 

   Later that night, we heard about a free showing of "La Dolce Vita" a very famous movie that was filmed in Tuscany.  So we decided to go see it, well it turned out we never found the cinema and just ended up walking for about an hour.  It was fun though, the best times we have are when we don't really know where we are going and end up seeing so really cool stuff!  On our way back, crossing the piazza, we heard a guy singing some American songs.  Of course I had to stop!  It was this American guy just playing his guitar and he was just amazing!  Ali and Shandie went ahead back to the apartment while I sat and listened to him play and echo throughout the whole square.  There was actually a big turnout, mostly Americans of course, but still!  He played the Eagles, Beatles, and a bunch of other classic American bands.  It made me miss home....just a little!  ;)  Anyway, here is a video of him playing and the view we had!

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