Sunday, February 6, 2011


Alrighty I said in my last post, Ali and I went to Volterra Saturday.  The city was absolutely amazing and I wish we would have had more time there.  To get there we had to take two trains and two buses!  To start, Ali and I caught the train to Pisa, from there we switched trains to get to Cecina. Then we THOUGHT that we would catch a train in Cecina to Volterra, however, once we got to Cecina, we found out that the train to Volterra was cancelled.  We thought we could catch the next one in an hour so we decided to explore this little city.  I think we were the only Americans there, no one spoke English!  So we came back to the train station to catch the next train, it was cancelled too! We were starting to think we weren't going to make it to Volterra.  So after talking to the train station guy and a little old man helping us out, we finally caught a bus.  It was the best idea ever, we drove through the hills and saw the real Tuscany!  We finally made it to Volterra!  Once there, we only had about 3 hours to see everything before the last bus left for Cecina.  The first thing we did was find the twilight map that shows you all the places where they filmed in the movie.  Then we just walked around the city, it was nice because there were no tourists, just locals going about thier day.  And the city is right on top of a big hill so we could see for miles, it was beautiful.  The last thing we did we stop in a little chocolate and wine bar, which was delicious! Then we took the bus back down while watching the sunset, it was great!

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