Thursday, February 10, 2011


Yep thats what I said!  Florence is having a huge chocolate festival just a few minutes from our apartment!  Once we found this out, we all had to go immediately.  In Santa Croce Square, they have tons of tents with all sorts of chocolate vendors, all selling thier own unique truffles and other yummy things.  There was so much chocolate, you could smell it block away!

So of course we had to check it all out to see what was the best, they had every sort of chocolate imaginable!  Thier hot chocolate here is literally like melted chocolate you drink from a cup, not the watery stuff in America!  Chocolate and hazelnut is huge here (hints: NUTELLA) so there was all sorts of that all around!  My favorite thing was the chocolate and hazelnut kebab. 

It is a tall pole with chocolate and hazelnut on it.  The guy just shaves it off and puts it in a pancake like thing and drizzles strawberry syrup on top.  However, what I got was this...

It is the hot chocolate (melted chocolate) with whipped cream and the kebab shavings on top!  It was the most amazing thing ever, i might have to go back and get one this weekend.  Or maybe later today..ha!

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