Sunday, February 6, 2011

First weekend of traveling!

Well this weekend has been so much fun, we traveld to Pisa friday and then Volterra on Saturday.  Firday we have no class so we decided to take advantage.  A group of us met up and took the train about an hour to Pisa.  The city was not what I expected.  I had heard there was not a lot to do there so thats why I was expecting just the Leaning Tower to be the main thing there.  HOWEVER, it exceeded my expectations!  The city was much more quiet than Florence, which was nice, but Pisa still had several stores and restaurants to see.  We followed the main street all the way down to the compex where the tower, baptistry, and church were!  It was absolutely beautiful! It is a big open area with lots of grass and the buildings.  There were tons of people standing around trying to get the classic pics of holding up the leaning tower.

I had to!  Anyway, the day was perfect and we all had so much fun.  Here are a couple more from Pisa...I'll put up pics from Volterra later!

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