Monday, January 31, 2011



So I am finally updating you all about "la bella vita!" We have been here for a few days and it has been crazy!  We moved into our apartment, it is absolutley the cutest little thing ever!  We are at the very top of a four story apartment, we have a small bedroom and bathroom, and asuper cute living room and little kitchen!  Pictures will come soon!  Our apartment is sorta like a suite, there are three different apratments that all have a common room, and however ours is by far the cutest! However, it is nice to have 6 other girls living close to us!

 Once we got to Florence, the bus dropped us off about five minutes from our apartment, however, it took us about 15 min to get there because of all our luggage!  Oh, and you should have seen us trying to carry our huge 50 lb. bags up 81 stairs!  He is the steps leading up to our apartment...they are a lot narrower than they look!

 This past week has been a dream!  I don't think i will ever get used to the fact that I live Florence!  We have done so much it's hard to tell you everything.  So I will try to start from the beginning.  Once we got to Florence, we had two tours.  One to the Piazzale de Michelangelo, which is where all the pictures are taken of Florence are taken.  Then we took a walking tour of the historical part of the city.  Everything in Florence is a lot closer than what I expected, almost all the famous points are within 5 min walking!  Just down the street from our apartment is the Piazza della Signoria!  There are 16 original sculpures just outside in the is my favorite!

This past weekend we have spent the days just walking around the city!  We walked across the Ponte Vecchio the other day and all the shops are gold stores!  The street is blinding with all the gold and diamonds!  This morning we went to the fresh market and leather market!  It was so fun bardering with the sellers, I got a painting for 3 euro and ali ended upo getting a pair or earrings for free!  Must have been her blonde hair!  Hmm...what else have we done?? There is just so much to tell, I need to not go so long without blogging next time, it's just we haven't had internet the past few days.  

Whenever we go out, there is literally a gelato store on every corner, and they are soooo yummy!  Also not to mention the coffee shops! There is also a delicious sandwich store just right below our apartment and I will probably eat there for lunch almost everyday!  Oh..also there is a club literally right across the street from our apartment.  It is open on the weekends until atleast 4am and it's all American's, which means they are SUPER loud!  We had to go buy ear plugs because it was so bad.  

Today was our first day of classes.  I only had one today, my Italian class! It seems like it is going to be fun!  Our professor is from Pisa and is super cool, we listened to Michael Jackson all through class while he taught! Tomorrow is my Photography class and I cannot wait! 

Anyway, here are a few pics of our travels so far...

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