Saturday, January 22, 2011

On my way!

    Well, it's officialy real! I am on my way to Italy!  I left home this morning at 5:00 am...yep AM!  Right now I am sitting at the Washington D.C. airport and my layover is about 5 hours! So I have some time to get even more excited about getting to Italy.  It's crazy that it is actually here!  This next week I will be touring the Colluseum, the Vatican, and moving into my apartment in Florence!  Crazy!

   So yesterday I spent all day seeing family and packing.  I went to my grandma's for lunch then my good friend, Cassi, came over to help me pack.  I definately needed it because packing for 4 months into two suitcases is a lot harder than it seems.  But we got it done!  Then my boyfriend, Alex, came up from Tulsa to send me off this morning.  He is coming to visit in two months and I cannot wait to see him!

   Flying so far has been tiring.  I think United planned my gates to be in complete opposite terminals so i have to run to each gate in order to catch my next flight.  But I am settled at my last gate for Rome...finally!  It's kinda nice having a long layover, I can sit here and people watch all day!

Thats all for mow pretty much!  I'll write again when I get settled in Italy!  Ciao!

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