Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It's getting closer!!!

Well I have ten more days till I leave for Italy!  I cannot believe how close it is!  I am starting to get ready for next semester and I am realizing I don't have that much time left.  But don't get me wrong, I cannot wait to be in Italy!

These past few weeks have been so much fun!  Last week several of my friends got together and went down to Big Cedar, near Table Rock Lake.  It was tons of fun!

 The next weekend I went down to TU to visit some friends for the last time before I leave.  It was tons of fun, I got to spend some time with my friends and sorority sisters one last time.

Dynasty Family

Also this week, I found out where I am living in Italy!  It is located right in the middle of Florence!  Near the Arno River and the Piazza della Signoria which is one of the popular places in Tuscany!  I cannot wait to get there!

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