Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ciao from ROMA!

Well, I am officially in Italy!  I have been in the great city of Rome for 2 days and I cannot believe it!  It is like I am on a movie set or something.  Everything is ten times more beautiful than what I thought it would be!  Pictures will come later when I have free wi-fi, but trust me they are great!  Today was my first day here and I don't think I could have jammed anymore stuff to see or do.  This morning we started off with a walking tour with headsets and everything.  Can you say "super tourist" haha!  Anyway we followed the lady to the Colloseum where we got to go inside, then the Arc of Constantine, and the Forum!  Then we went to Trastevere, which means across the river in italian.  This part of the city was the real Rome where people actually live and work and it is less touristy.  There we had lunch at this little cafè.  It was AMAZING!  The best food I have had while here!  Then after lunch we went on a bus tour of the rest of the city!  It was great to sit for a while.  That was it for today, tonight is e of our friends 21st so we are going to celebrate tonight at dinner!  Tomorrow we tour the Vatican!  Can't wait! 

That's all for now! I will write more and put up pics when  have more time!


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