Monday, May 2, 2011

Mama Mia!

Ok so I know it has been a while since she was actually here but I am finally blogging about it.  It is a lot harder to sit down and blog here than I thought it was going to be, I guess there is just too much to do here, who would have thought!

Anyway, my MOM came to Florence and we had the best time!  She came here for my spring break so we had a whole week free to do whatever we wanted!  She was lucky because she had her own personal tour guide, ha!  She was supposed to get here mid-day but her flight from Springfield got cancelled and ended up having to fly through Amsterdam, so she didn’t get here till 10:00 at night.  It was funny when she finally got here because she just couldn’t believe she was actually in Florence! 

Our first couple of days, we hung out in Florence and I showed her all around, we went non-stop.  We did all the important museums, Pitti Palace and Boboli gardens, The Bargello, and the Uffizi all in one day!  We did and saw about everything there is to see here, well maybe not everything but we still did a ton.  We also went on a Chianti wine tour where we took a charter bus out to a local vineyard, got to see how they made the wine and also balsamico!  We had a wine tasting with several different kinds of wine, as well as truffle mushrooms, cheese, and vanilla ice cream with balsamic on     top!  A sound disgusting but it was so good! 
At the end of the week, we took the train up the coast to Cinque Terre.  However, on the way we had to stop and see the Leaning Tower!  Cinque Terre aka “The  Five Lands” is an area of coastline in Liguria, where all the five small towns are located on the cliffs.  You can only get there by train and boat, so it was pretty cool!   It is also known for its great hiking trails, so of course we hiked around a little.  It was absolutely beautiful, definitely one of my favorite places I have been here in Italy! 

I had the best time with my Mom and I am so happy she got to come over here and see how amazing it is!  We had so much fun!!!

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