Monday, April 4, 2011

It's been a while....

   Things have been super crazy around here, well not crazy but lots of stuff have been going on.  This month has been and still is the month of family and boyfriend visits!  Tate, Ali's boyfriend came last week when we were in Venice, then Alex came right after, now Shandie's boyfriend is here.  And then after all the boyfriends leave, the Moms are coming, Ali's first, then my mom, then Shandie's!  Its gonna be great!  Oh, and not to mention, midterms where right in the middle of all this! JOY!
     I last wrote about Switzerland and that was a WHILE ago.  So I will do my best to get you caught up!  Ok so lets go all the way back to Assisi, Siena, and San Gimignano.  ISA (our program) has several excursions included during our time here in Florence.  Our first two were to Assisi, then Siena and San Gimignano.  It was so much fun!  We all loaded up on two huge private coach buses and took off to Assisi.  If you have never heard of the twon, you should look it up.  It s a world heritage site and an important pilgrimage site, St. Francis is buried there, and it is also the world's only "City of Peace."  Picture the movie "Under The Tuscan Sun" and that is what this place loosed like.  Actually that movie was filmed about 20 minutes from Assisi.  The town is small, quiet, and very clean.  I loved every bit of our time there!
      The next day we headed to Siena and San Gimignano.  It was so much fun seeing all these places with so much history!  Siena is where they have the famous horse race in the town square called Il Palio, the opening of Quantum of Solace was filmed during the race!  It was a beautiful city with great shops and good food!  Later that day we went to San Gimignano which is smack dab in the middle of chianti region, only where the best wine in the world comes from!  It was absolutely beautiful!
    Thats all for now, I still have more to tell you but that will come later!

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