Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Am I really writing a blog?

    Well this marks my very first blog ever!  I never thought I would actually be doing this but since I am going to be halfway across the world, I thought it might be a good way for family and friends to see what I am up to this next semester!  Anyway, I decided to start my blog tonight just to get it all set up and working before I set off for Florence!   I decided to title my blog "La bella vita" meaning "a beautiful life" because when I think of Italy, that is what I picture, a life full of amazing, beautiful things, places, and people.  Well thats what the movies always say anyways!  I have no doubt that once I get there, Italy will be anything less than BEAUTIFUL!

        As you might know, I am going to be studying in Florence, Italy next semester with the program ISA.  It is a great program with all sorts of opportunities and such!  If you want to know where I will be and what I am doing, go to their website and check it out!
    Well that is all I really have for now.  As my departing date gets closer, I am sure I will have more to talk about! This is actually kinda fun!  Until next time...CIAO!